1000+ Dot phrases to expedite your medical documentation
Manage your inbox. Automate your patient messages.
easily recall E/M & CPT codes
Family and Internal Medicine dot phrases
Pediatrics and OBGYN dot phrases
Sports Medicine and Urgent Care dot phrases
learn how to complete your medical documentation in no time
medical templates and dot phrases for primary care physicians
“ Covers many conditions in primary care & DOT phrases are easy to read in SOAP notes. Makes charting faster & meets coding requirements. ” -
“ I truly appreciate your efforts to help all providers reduced their time in front of an EHR so that we can spend more of that with patients. ” -
“ Immensely helpful for concise medical charting. ”
Smart templates and next-gen AI voice-recognition
A complementary EHR solution that let's you quickly create your note online. You can dictate your note and discover thousands of dot phrases and snippets from our thriving community.
StatNote dot phrases powered by PhraseExpander
All of StatNote's dot phrases in the only Windows-based autocomplete software made for doctors. *Requires a PhraseExpander® active subscription.
StatNote dot phrases powered by TextExpander
Become a medical documentation ninja with TextExpander. Expand over a thousand frequently used dot phrases and templates anywhere. *Requires a TextExpander® active subscription.
I subscribed to StatNote BASIC but didn’t get the email invitation.
If you entered your email to subscribe to test our dot phrases for free and didn't get an email. Please check you Spam or Promotions folder.
Otherwise, you can always check out this link to get started. http://statnote.com/free-trial/
Is it HIPAA compliant?
StatNote offers productivity tools to get your chart notes done faster.
It does not store or process any patient information, it simply copy/pastes your dot phrases to your EHR.
We do not recommend to store patient information as part of your dot phrases.
We do not do HIPAA Business Associate Agreements.
Why not use Epic EMR Smart Phrases or Cerner Auto Text instead?
3 Reasons:
Type anywhere: StatNote's dot phrases can be used anywhere were you can type. Not just your EMR.
Portability: If you change jobs or even if you stay in the same company but change locations; they probably use a different version of the EMR. That means it will be a pain to copy/paste and recreate all your dot phrases.
KISS dot phrases: StatNote's dot phrases follow the (Keep It Small and Simple) model. To avoid note bloating, our dot phrases will help you capture the essentials of the visit. Just enough to support your billing.
Do you have dot phrases for Family Medicine?
We have dot phrases for all primary care specialties. Family Medicine and Internal Medicine dot phrases include templates for annual physicals and wellness visits. We also have great dot phrases for Pediatrics and OBGYN. With templates for well woman and well child checks or sports physicals. If you are looking for Urgent Care dot phrases, you won’t be disappointed.
You will also find many dot phrases for procedures used in Sports Medicine and many templates for common procedures in Primary Care.
Do you see a lot of patients with Psychiatric or Behavioral Health conditions? We have psychiatry dot phrases too. We even have dot phrases for hospitalists and inpatient care. Not to mention plenty of dermatology dot phrases.
You will find thousands of dot phrases for the most common conditions encountered in primary care.
Do you offer a trial?
We offer a free demo version with our top 100 dot phrases for you to test out our service.
No credit card required. Our basic version is always free.
Create an account, experiment, and decide for yourself if our product is a good fit.
What is a dot phrase?
AKA smart text, auto text, smart phrases, macros, templates.
They are abbreviations or acronyms (usually they start with a "." [dot].) When typed in a note (i.e.: ".dm" for diabetes) they summon a pre-saved boilerplate template or text snippet that replaces the abbreviation and gets inserted in your progress note. This is an easy way to speed up medical documentation. They save users time by avoiding them to type repetitive text commonly used in charts.
They are not only used to complete a SOAP notes, but also to document a procedure, write a patient letter, or even insert a short CPT code.
They sometimes have a bad reputation of bloating the note with useless information. StatNote's dot phrases are concise and help capture only the essentials of the visit. They are dynamic and allow for the user to edit them "on the fly" to reflect accurate information.
What is StatNote?
StatNote is a library of dot phrases and medical templates created to expedite medical documentation. Primary care physicians in Family Medicine or Internal Medicine know that writing your progress note is time consuming and is the most common cause of physician burnout.
Our dot phrases were first published in a book. Later, we partnered with different productivity softwares to directly type the dot phrases in the EHR.
Now we have our own web-app available. Chartnote is a new way to write your progress note. It is faster, better organized and more fun than your EHR.
Are there any legal risks associated with the use of these templates?
The main goal of your progress note should be to document your decision-making so that your work can be understood by others, including some one questioning your care in litigation years later. The second goal should be to support your level of coding and billing.
Our templates have concise and relevant information regarding the different conditions being documented. You should always edit the templates in order to document accurately. For some complex patient presentations, it is better to dictate or write the old-fashioned way. Finally, you should always read your notes before you sign them.
I cannot download TextExpander in my clinic’s Windows computer
Your IT department might be blocking downloads to avoid unsafe software installation. That's why we developed Chartnote. It's web-based. You can try it for free. Visit chartnote.com.
Alternatively, you can get a StatNote Ninja Stick on Amazon. A flash drive that provides access to all your dot phrases without having to install any software. It runs directly from the USB and can be used with any EHR.
Does it work in computers not running Windows?
StatNote templates work with TextExpander, which can be installed in many OS including Windows, Chrome, macOS, and iOS.
PhraseExpander is only available for Windows computers.
Chartnote is a web-based app and it can be use on any computer with an internet connection.
Does StatNote work with any EHR?
Do you need dot phrases for Cerner or dot phrases for Epic? We got you covered.
Chartnote uses a simple copy-paste function to transfer your note to your EHR.
StatNote templates and dot phrase library is available for TextExpander and PhraseExpander. Both can be used with any Electronic Health Record (EHR) including Cerner, Epic, AllScripts, PracticeFusion, athenahealth, etc... Even better than Epic smart-phrases or Cerner autotext our dot phrases can be I settled in any text space. That means you can easily input EM and CPT codes.
Can I use StatNote in more than one computer?
If you are jumping from room to room and computer to computer throughout the day, we got you covered. StatNote templates work with TextExpander and PhraseExpander, which can be installed in multiple computers with a single account.
Chartnote is web-based and you can log into your account on multiple computers.